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The subscription economy

is taking off

Zuora and Subscription Factory Introduce The Zaasly Program to Help Companies Accelerate Recurring Revenue. 

Releasing your subscription potential

New subscription models are re-shaping the way the world thinks and works. Across B2C and B2B, subscriptions offer consumers and end-users more flexibility and fewer upfront costs. At the same time, ongoing subscriptions enable companies to build more engaging and rewarding relationships with their customers.

For more than 10 years, Subscription Factory has helped companies in multiple sectors to explore and enter this exciting new paradigm. We have delivered this via a powerful combination of financial knowledge, strategic thinking, project management and training skills. And with our unique knowledge and understanding of this market we can guide you toward the best solution for your business and its future.


For 10 years, Subscription Factory has helped forward-thinking companies to successfully enter the fast-growing Subscription Economy.



 The Subscription economy is here. Where are you?

Subscriptions have always been a powerful business model. But until recently they were largely restricted to publishers selling printed content, or to phone companies selling access to mobile services.

All that is changing.



Download the latest thinking from Subscription Factory

We have gathered our knowledge into an White Paper that is essential reading for anyone interested in the Subscription Economy.

Changing expectations

There has been a change. Today’s consumers want effective outcomes, not burdensome ownership. Customization, not generalization. Constant improvement, not planned obsolescence.

Within this context, switching to a subscription business model delivers recurring revenues and offers significant benefits for all parties.

Think Netflix, Hello Fresh, Amazon Prime, Uber, Spotify, Microsoft and Salesforce.

Think Your Company.

Talk to Subscription Factory about discovering your subscription potential so that you’re positioned to take advantage of the Subscription Economy,



You’re in good company

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Kinderhuissingel 1D
2013 AS Haarlem
The Netherlands


Contact us
+31 (0) 850 185 138



Kinderhuissingel 1D
2013 AS Haarlem
The Netherlands


Contact us
+31 (0) 850 185 138


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