Calculating Commission Fee | Subscription Factory | Monetization made simple

Zuora Workflow: Calculating commission Fee

Simplify kickback fee management with ease.

Handling commission and kickback fees can be complex, involving manual tasks like processing billing documents and calculating amounts. Subscription Factory’s Kickback Fees calculator automates this process, ensuring accurate and timely crediting for each reseller or partner.

Calculating the commission/kickback fees can be a big challenge within partnership and reseller arrangements, especially if you’re a high-volume service provider.

The process

  • Process reseller/partners’ pending billing documents (invoice, credits, debits)
  • Roll-up sold units (licenses, quantity of products, etc.) per reseller/partner
  • Process the rolled-up units for calculating the commission/kickback
  • Initiating the credit for the calculated commission/kickback amount for each reseller/partner.

With Subscription Factory’s Kickback Fees calculator, you can automate the entire kickback/commission process and credit the right amount to each reseller/partner account based on a predefined frequency.

Key features

  • Fully Automated – no manual intervention
  • Process Logs – so you can easily identify errors/issues at each step

    Elevate Your Business with Seamless Workflow Integration

    Partnering with Subscription Factory means gaining access to expertly crafted workflows that reduce friction in your operations and give you a competitive edge in the subscription economy. Whether you’re a growing business or an established enterprise, our flexible, efficient workflows will help you achieve faster results and drive long-term success. Let us be your trusted partner in making the most out of Zuora.

    Want to learn more about our Zuora Workflow offering?

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    The Netherlands


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